Research, Figma prototyping, Digital, UX/UI, branding & motion

Imposter Syndrome- feeling like a fraud, even where success is habitual? Waiting to be tapped on the shoulder and asked to leave, or more confident that you won’t get the job, the call, the sale, solve that problem, than that you will?
Face it! builds on the shared strength of the 70% of professional Creatives in experiencing Imposter Syndrome. It’s your personal and or collective toolkit to flip that imposter voice to one of a growth mindset. Through a website, a suite of office tools including coping cards and prompts to support that positive environment, and a personal app for private use and community connection.
The toolkit helps us hold our ground in those moments where our ideas are pushing boundaries, our use of media innovates, our connections challenge- so that we protect our power, growth and change moments. Face It! Is the real app for when you feel like a fraud.

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